A global-standard curriculum available only from
Waseda University, taught in English
Placing globalization as an issue of highest quality, Waseda University seeks to train students to become citizens who can immerse themselves into intercultural societies around the world to solve various problems that exist in those local areas, and contribute not only to those areas and Japan but also to the human society as a whole. To succeed in this endeavor, beginning in September 2010, the Waseda University School and Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering, School and Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering, and School and Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering will each establish international programs that allow students to earn degrees through programs conducted entirely in the English language, recruiting outstanding students from all over the world.
International Program in the School of
Fundamental Science and Engineering
Department of Mathematics , Department of Applied Mathematics , Department of Electronic and Photonic Systems , Department of Computer Science and Engineering , Department of Communications and Computer Engineering , Department of Intermedia Art and Science
From September 2014, international courses will be available in 6 departments: the Department of Mathematics, the Department of Applied Mathematics, the Department of Electronic and Photonic Systems, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, the Department of Communications and Computer Engineering, and the Department of Intermedia Art and Science.
These departments foster the development of technicians and researchers with innovative abilities, capable in fields from engineering to mathematics, and able to solve engineering problems using mathematical modeling.
International courses offered through the School of Fundamental Science and Engineering comprise two general scholastic programs: Sub-program α (which includes the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Applied Mathematics) and Sub program β (which includes the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, the Department of Communications and Computer Engineering, the Department of Intermedia Art and Science, and the Department of Electronic and Photonic Systems), and student recruitment takes place into each of these programs. Upon advancing to their second year, students choose to advance intoone of the departments in each of these two programs.
International Program in the Graduate School of
Fundamental Science and Engineering
International courses in the Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
Master’s program curriculum
Focusing mainly on the fields of mathematics, applied mathematics, information science and technology, and computer science and communication, the master’s program curriculum seeks to foster deepening expertise and mastery of knowledge across a broad range of fields through joint international education and research, thereby promoting the development of high-level researchers and technicians who are capable of contributing to regional and global development through international cooperation.
Doctoral program curriculum
The latter part of the doctoral program consists entirely of guided research and includes no lectures, and as in the past is open to foreign students of all majors (assuming ability in Japanese or English).